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New Week New Wares - May Week 5

I'm back!

If you don't follow @rcadeglasgow already then you probably don't know but we've been struggling over the last few weeks so it's been all hands on deck. It's been tough as this is one of the quietest times of the year for us but with various external events causing issues too it has been extra hard. If you wanna catch up with the latest then make sure to follow R-CADE on socials.

Regardless, we hope to muddle through and survive long enough to make it to the summer holidays but until then it's back to normality with Natsukashii (hopefully).

Before I launch into this week's newest products, a quick note about the shut down of our Patreon channel. If you were a member and didn't move over to our new program through our website provider Wix then now is the time. There are more tiers with more discounts and more rewards. And please be sure to check your Patreon account to make sure that you aren't being charged anymore!


Little pieces of plastic fun

Freshly uploaded to the online store for MEMBER'S ONLY until Saturday are a fistful of DS and 3DS games including some wee gems like Resident Evil & Dragon Quest VII. Look out for my upcoming TikTok on the Resident Evil series by follow me here.


Light Up Yo Boy

I had a little rake around the big old bucket of accessories I have and started adding some of them to the website today too. First up I have some Game Boy goodies with this clip on Magnifier / Light manufactured by GAME for example. It's adorable and even has its original little incandescent bulbs too. More accessories coming soon!


Irn Bru, it gets you thru

Time for a little sneak preview of the absolute monster that has become the Irn Bru Dreamcast. After a few weeks of thorough testing at our arcade in R-CADE, I took it back to the workshop today for the final upgrade and my lord is it bright... enjoy!



Remember, if you want first dibs on our products AND an additional discount on top of any pre-existing ones then don't forget to become a paid member of our Membership program today!


June Sale Announcement

And finally I am super excited to let you all know that our next sale collection will be N64 Software! Look out for the change over this weekend and make best use of the Mega Drive sale while it lasts...

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