First of all thank you for taking a wee break from your day to check out my wee corner of the internet and welcome to my introduction.
If you haven't seen any of my content on social media and you are learning about Natsukashii for the first time right now then go search for me on either TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or X (Twitter) and drop me a follow, links below if that's easier.
If any links are broken or you want to tag me in anything you post yourself then use the tag @natsukashiiga
So what exactly is Natsukashii?
The business itself actually came about during the global pandemic and was a spin off of my first business venture, R-CADE Glasgow.
In 2020, with our video game arcade shut down, I was forced to rethink our main source of income. I retrofitted R-CADE with a small electronics workshop and live streaming set up and from this the R-CADE Twitch channel and online store was born.
Of course it was a temporary stop gap for the company as thankfully restrictions were lifted and we were able to reopen our video game arcade to the public 2 years later.
As R-CADE regained the popularity that it had pre-pandemic and the business started to return to it's regular events and day to day running, I was left with a whole crap load of equipment and stock (consoles, games, etc) that I had accumulated over the years. So it was only natural for a new online store and workshop to be created.
This is where Natsukashii Gaming came in. A new brand and a new chance for me to recreate the success that R-CADE has seen in recent years.
What can we expect from Natsukashii Gaming?
Since the introduction of Natsukashii 6 months ago, I have been busy setting up our new workshop and store. A physical store was originally the plan and it may still come to fruition one day however due to the demands of owning another business I can't commit as much time to Natsukashii as I'd like right now.
The online store and content creation are going to be the main focus moving forward so make sure to sign up to our mailing list here - if you want to get our weekly update email with all the new products and projects as they happen.
And if you followed me via the social media links above then on them you'll find me creating posts about retro gaming facts, tips and tricks, news and more.
Hopefully I can get back to Live Streaming soon as well so if you enjoy watching a grown man fumble about in a basement filled with big boy toys and gadgets then look out for that live notification on Twitch or catch the highlights on YouTube.
Thanks again for all the support friends. Its been a rollercoaster for everyone over the last 5 years and I'm nowhere near finished yet! - Androo